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Ben's Story

Ben’s story is not one of perfect end results. He is not living where he wants to. He currently lives in a housing complex with shared staff where lots of agency workers are used. That inconsistency does not work for Ben.  He is supported by a consistent Team from the Small Supports Provider who support him during the day. They are helping him to look for a new home. 

Ben is at a stage in his journey towards his best life. What you hear in Ben’s story is a belief that better is possible. Ben has dreams and ambitions about what his good life would be like.  


The difference for Ben is that he has allies committed to helping him make that dream become a reality. He has people in his team, in his corner, and on his side, making sure he is not overlooked and that this voice is heard. He has people who like him, who appreciate him, and who understand him, and believe in his potential. 

Being believed in is powerful; it changes lives. Having allies who will go the extra mile for you is key to the success of small supports. At its heart, small supports is all about relationships; it is about belief. It is also about unconditional positive regard or, in simpler terms, being liked and respected for who you are.  

Small support respects people’s relationships and natural networks of support. Ben is clear where he wants to live. It needs to be near his mum. He wants to be able to see her.  

We all have a right to a private and family life. This should be respected and protected.  

Big House

Ben has a dream about his new home that is both aspirational and realistic, and generally very ordinary.  

He would like a big house. It is important to remember big may be in relation to the very small place where he is currently living. 

He would like neighbours and he would like a ‘weedable garden.’   

Big House
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The Importance Of Family

Importance of Family
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Right to Work
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Right To Work

Ben is an engaging and creative individual. His skill and talents are not being engaged as he fears his benefits would be stopped. He is being prevented from fulfilling his potential and we are all missing out.  

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